Coleslaw is not only a healthy cabbage recipe, but it is one of my favorites! Back home in Dominica, on a Sunday afternoon it would be one of the main dishes for dinner. As a small child, I remember picking the cabbages and carrots. We had to grate all these by hand on a grater. For small children this was a lot of work. But in the end, we had a delicious meal.
Coleslaw, known as New England slaw, Asian slaw or just Coleslaw is finely chopped raw cabbage, carrots, onions and vegetables.
This healthy cabbage recipe can be put on hot dogs, burgers,– used as a side dish or just a meal on its own. One of my favorites is the Rainbow slaw. I’ll share that recipe with you later in this blog post. This rainbow salad is amazing! The color from the collards, the green and purple cabbage, the orange from the carrots, and the chopped scallion sprinkled all over it,– not only make it beautiful to look at, but it tastes good as well!
Of course you cannot have a healthy cabbage recipe without it’s main ingredient– Cabbage. It’s one of the main ingredients in Coleslaw. Cabbage belongs to the Brassica family. It’s very nutritious. It comes in a variety of colors– red, purple, green and white.
Not only is it the main ingredient in Coleslaw, but it’s also the main ingredient in Kimchi. A great Asian dish. Cabbage is low in calories but loaded with lots of nutrients, like vitamin K, B6, vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium, vitamin A, and folate, and more.
Interestingly it contains Antioxidants (which are vital in protecting the body from damage caused by free radicals) which are a main stay in Cabbage.
Cabbage is one of the vegetables with a long shelf life. It can be stored for months. It is also a cool season plant, can be planted in full sun to partial shade, 1 to 2 inches apart, spacing about 1 1/2 to 2 feet in rows.
Make sure you provide lots of nutrients. Cabbage need nitrogen as part of their food. Give it a good compost along with fertilizer.
Cabbage will come to maturity in about 70 to 100 days.
Here is how to get another crop from your cabbage plant:
When the plant is ready for harvesting, Cut off the head with a sharp knife about 1 inch above the soil.
Hold the stem firmly as you cut, so you don’t disturb the roots.
Then carve an “X” in the exposed top of the stem or stub.
Within a week the stub will sprout several small cabbage heads!
Below is my favorite healthy cabbage recipe:
The Salad: Coleslaw
6 cups of finely chopped or sliced green cabbage.
3 cups of sliced purple cabbage.
1 cup of thinly sliced chard leaves.
2 cups of shredded carrots.
1 small purple onion thinly sliced.
1 cup of thinly sliced stems from the chard.
To make the salad:
Create a decorative pattern, placing the cabbage in the bottom of a large salad bowl. Arrange the chard leaves. Then the carrots. Then the onions. And finely the chard stems.
Sprinkle with some thinly shredded scallion or Parsley.
The salad may be refrigerated for a few hours.
1 lemon, juice
2/3 cup of white wine Vinegar.
1 teaspoon of salt.
3/4 teaspoon of celery seeds
1/3 cup of vegetable oil.
3 tablespoons of frozen apple juice concentrate.
Freshly ground black pepper.
To make the dressing:
In a small bowl, mix together the lemon juice, vinegar, salt, celery seeds, oil, apple juice concentrate, and pepper to taste and stir until the ingredients are fairly well blended. Pour the dressing over the slaw and serve.
Serve about 10 to 12 people.
As you can see most of the ingredients in this healthy cabbage recipe came from the garden. let me know how yours came out! Or if you have a favorite let me know, I would love to try it!
Bon Appetit