With proper care, an Amaryllis Bulb can grow and bloom for years. In fact their longevity may surprise you. Did you know that an Amaryllis can live for over 70 years?? Yes , they can live as long as a human!
Amaryllis plants give an impressive display of multiple blooms that last for months. They normally bloom once a year. But when they bloom they don’t all bloom at once. They can bloom in succession. The display can last for weeks even months with one crescendo of color after another!
The Amaryllis Bulb is quite easy to grow. You can grow it indoors and then place it outside in the summer.
When you are shopping for Amaryllis, pay attention to the variety, and sizes. There are quite a few varieties like: Amaryllis Estella, Amaryllis evergreen, Amaryllis Clown, Amaryllis Vera, Quito, Nymph, Monte Carlo, lagoon, Amaryllis Gervase, Amaryllis Bogota, Amaryllis exotic, Amaryllis Peacock, and much more.
Find a spot with plenty of sun or (if they are indoor) bright light. But they can also grow in light shade as well. They don’t need to be planted very deep– just about 1 inch.
Be careful how you water them. If the Amaryllis bulb is watered too much it will rot. So it will do best in well drained soil. The main ingredient in the soil mix should be peat or coir.
Be sure the pot has a drainage hole so excess water can drain. Place about 4″ between bulbs. And if you plant them in containers, use containers that are a few inches taller than your bulbs.
Try to plant them about 1″ from the side of the container. Whether you plant the Amaryllis bulb in the ground or in containers, planting them in tiers will give you a bigger bloom. And a more eye catching one as well!
Plant the bulb with the point up and the top exposed . Remember the pot should be about 1 to 2 inches wider than the widest part of the bulbs. Water sparingly. Until the bulb starts to grow, keep turning the pot every few days. This will keep it growing straight.
When it’s actively growing, make sure you water it when the top inch of the soil is dry. Only apply enough water to moisten the whole root bulb. Then allow the excess water to drain. you can use a saucer or catch pot for this.
The Amaryllis bulb is a top- heavy plant and could topple. So be sure to stake it. It will also help to use a heavy pot, like a cement , clay or ceramic pot. This will stabilize your beautiful Amaryllis.
You don’t have to worry about fertilizing your Amaryllis while it’s growing. The bulb contains all the nutrients it needs to bloom.
So if you want to save your Amaryllis bulb and help it to bloom again, cut off the dead bloom when it is spent. But leave the leaves on the plant. Just continue to treat it like a house plant. Water as needed. Fertilize it monthly.
Amaryllis is a tropical plant so once all the danger of frost is over you may chose to move the pot outside. Or even better, plant the Amaryllis bulb directly in the ground where it will get bright sun and fertilizer. This way it will better able to be replenish from the nutrients in the soil. This will give you bigger and healthier flowers the next winter. And to top it off…they are known to live over 70 years!
Dormant, in the Dark
The Amaryllis bulb needs 3 to 6 months of dormancy (longer is okay). During the dormancy period, the plants finish developing their flowers, using energy they stored during the growing season.
So in August start to withhold water and let the leaves die back naturally. When the pot has dried out completely, place it in a cool dark place where it will be safe from insects or rodents.
Six to eight weeks before you want it to bloom again, repot the bulb in fresh potting soil and place it in bright indirect light. And repeat as stated above.
Flowers for the winter
Easy to grow
Beautiful and long lasting
Fantastic and vibrant colors
Could live for over 70 years
I hope you’ve enjoyed our little exploration of the Amaryllis bulb. Let me know what your experience has been with these plants. Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!