Though you may not have much sun, you can still have a beautiful garden by the way you place your plants. With me, I let my garden talk to me. I sometimes place the plant in the area I think I should put it. I look at it for a few and see if it belongs there.
For example, knowing a little about the plant is a big help. Knowing its height will help to determine where your place it. If it is taller than the plant behind it, then the beauty is lost.
As you can see, there is a science to everything, including planting. Most of the plant for shady gardens are green, so choosing plants with color is very important. It will make your garden beautiful to the eyes as well.
Plants like Roderdandrums are great in the sun. But they are also very good in the shade and have beautiful powder puff flowers. However, they have to be planted in the back. In that way, you can plant smaller plant in the front.
As for the Astillbe… I love the spike and tall flowers. Some other favorites of mine are Periwinkle, Bleeding heart, Ferns. (I love the leaves… that is where their beauty lies). Caladiums, … the colors of the leaves are beautiful! They are great for a border.
Hydrangea does great in the shade. The many colors of the flowers is phenomenal. The acid in the soil plays a part in the color of the flowers they produce. There must be different acidity levels in my ground because different locations have different color plants including one plant that has multiple color flowers.
But most importantly, most of the plants I choose, come back every year (perennial). That is why Spring is my favorite time of the year. I wait in anticipation to see which plant will come out first.
I like the Hostas plant. There are many species. Most of them are variegated and cover a lot of ground.
They are perennial. that means they come back every year. And they thrive in the shade. Because I have a lot of them, I use them to unify my garden by planting them in different locations.
Hi Marilyn,
Nice to find some additions for my shade areas. I also use a lot of hostas, different types but all in a border setting or on step banks. Great plant to be able to start and let it do its thing. I had not considered Astillbes but thanks for the idea for the addition!
Walking the Path of Peace, Sanders
You are welcome. so do I you can use hostas anywhere in the shade and they will strive.