Lunch From The Garden.

This summer was beautiful.  I did my ministry in the morning, then went out to play  in my garden.  My garden provided most of my lunches through the summer. I did not want to cook.

I’d rather  play with my plants, so I would take a bowl and as I walk through my garden, I would pick tomatoes, cucumbers,  spinach, lettuce, peppers, scallions,  celery,… or whatever I felt like having in my salad.

Then I’d go into my kitchen and fill the bowl with water, add some salt to the water, (that was to allow any little critters who were having a feast on my salad to let go of my lunch). I would then wash it thoroughly.

Depending on what I felt like eating I’d open a can of tuna.  If there was chicken or fish from dinner the night before, I would add it… and voila!– lunch is served!

my garden salad

That’s why when you’re planting your kitchen salad garden , the plants you choose are very important.   Pick the plants you like to eat.  As for me, I love the peppery taste of arugula and  spinach. The coolness of cucumber, the crunchiness of the celery.  Tomatoes are peppers are a given, lettuce, kale, collards.

The list of plants for your kitchen garden salad could be endless.  Also, depending on how many people you will be cooking for that live in your home. So plan carefully and plant with love knowing that what you are planting will be going into your tummy.

Putting It On Paper

So now that the cold front has arrived, this is the best time to start planning what you are going to grow for the Spring, There are varieties of salad crops to consider.  So  plan your green garden on paper.

Spend a little time going through your selection of seeds from your favorite catalogs.  This way you can look forward to having delicious salad through the summer.

Don’t  just plant  lettuce.  Think of some of the other plant like cabbage or chard.  Make room for some escarole, mustard and radicchio.  They’ll spice up your salad for the summer!


Some tips,  Don’t forget to get some seed you can start indoors to give you an early harvest and also lessen the work load.

When transplanting your plant, don’t just plant and walk away. Plants are like babies. They need tender care when first planted.

They also need food.  that means fertilizing each month.  compost is good.  Just remember what you are feeding your plants you will be feeding yourself! So feed you plant with good, natural, organic compost, natural soil amendment like sea weed extract, leaf compost, or organic tea.

I hope your kitchen salad garden goes well!  If you run into any problems, you can reach out to me. If you need a little help in fertilizing,  knowing how to prune, or when when to harvest– feel free to join our Garden club.